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What is a Tonic Herb? Everything You Need To Know About Tonic Herbs & Adaptogens…


Updated: May 28, 2024

Tonic Herbs are magical. They have an enchantment to them… Once you start learning about them, and consuming them, you kind of “fall in love”. So what makes tonic herbs so magical? And what exactly is a “tonic herb”?

A tonic herb is a special type of herb, with very specific qualities and “rules” that apply to it (more on this below). To put it simply, it is a health promoting plant that can be safely consumed by anyone over a long period of time. 

The form of herbalism we practice at Tiny Dragon Tonics is called “Taoist Tonic Herbalism”. It is a branch of classical Chinese medicine. This is “pre-communist” Chinese Medicine. During the Mao communist regimen, the SPIRIT from Chinese Medicine was extracted. What was left is what we know today as “TCM”, or Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is a westernized version of the ancient medical system of China.

Tonic herbs originate from before “recorded history”. They come from the ancient pristine mountains of China. They were discovered by enlightened beings; the Taoist “Immortals”.

Where Tonic Herbs Originate From…

Tonic herbs can be found all over the world. That being said, the majority of these herbs are found in China. They can also be found in Ayurveda, Western Herbalism, Africa Herbalism & the Americas.

For the purpose of this article, we will focus on the Taoist lineage of Tonic Herbalism. 

These herbs were discovered thousands of years ago by Toaist Masters. These masters were enlightened beings of high spiritual attainment. Another way to refer to them is “the immortals”. They spent their days living the pristine mountains of China and Tibet. They lived extraordinarily long lives (some reported to have lived for HUNDREDS of years!). 

They were like Jesus and the Buddha in their spiritual understanding. Yet they remained mountain hermits, rather than sharing spiritual wisdom with the masses. 

These Taoist Immortals had reached the pinnacle of Human potential. And the Tonic herbs played a part in this.

As they roamed the mountains, they would often go days, weeks, and even months without food. They did not need to eat. During these extended fasts, the plants and fungi would speak to them. 

They began to learn of the medicinal and life promoting qualities of the tonic herbs. (as well as other medicinal plants).

Many ancient Chinese tapestries and paintings depict these immortals. They often carry reishi mushrooms and platters containing Tonic herbs. Herbs like Schisandra & Goji berries, Ginseng and other tonic herbs.

Tonic herbs originate from before “recorded history”. They come from the ancient pristine mountains of China. They were discovered by enlightened beings; the Taoist “Immortals”.

The Difference Between Tonic Herbs and “Inferior” / “Regular” Herbs… 

Depiction Art of Shen Nong, Ben Cao Jing, Divine Farmer
Depiction/ Art of Shen Nong

Tonic herbs have been used for thousands of years… But they were first “officially” recorded about 2,000 years ago. Emperor Shen Nong wrote a classic text known as “The Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica”. This was also known as Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, 

This book was the first of its kind. It compiled thousands of years of herbal wisdom from healers, sages and masters. 

In this book, Shen Long classifies herbs according to 3 specific categories: Superior Herbs, Regular Herbs & Inferior Herbs.

Superior Herbs -

Also known as “imperial” herbs, are the herbs we focus on at Tiny Dragon Tonics. They are the Tonic Herbs. They are "superior" because they promote longevity, vitality, health, balance, and spiritual wisdom. They are safe for the general population to consume daily over long periods of time. In fact, they are the herbs that the wisest and wealthiest of people in Ancient China coveted. 

Regular Herbs -

These are the herbs most people think of when it comes to “herbal medicine”. They are the herbs your acupuncture or herbalist will most commonly prescribe you. They are relatively safe in the short term. Yet if you take them over a long period they can have negative effects. A good example is echinacea. It is great for a week or two for boosting immunity. When taken long term it tends to cause harm. 

Inferior Herbs -

These herbs are toxic. They are generally “dangerous”. But they can be very effective in treating specific and serious disease acutely. One only consumes inferior herbs to receive a powerful and fast result. When taken out of context, they can cause imbalance and harm in the system.

There are several thousand herbs used in the Chinese herbal system. Fewer than 100 of these herbs is considered “superior”, or the Tonic herbs.

Regular and inferior herbs are for trained herbalists and Chinese practitioners to prescribe. It is best not to experiment or “play around” with these herbs. 

Superior (tonic) herbs are safe and effective. They can be taken by the vast majority of people. Generally they are safe to experiment with, even if you have no supervision. This being said, everything in moderation…

Who Should NOT Be Taking Tonic Herbs…?

As we said, tonic herbs are safe for (pretty much) everyone. That is part of how we classify a tonic herb. They are safe for long term use.

There are a few circumstances where some people should NOT consume these herbs. Or at least they should not consume them without a trained professional…

The main situation is someone who has an extreme and acute medical condition. For example, if someone has cancer, Lyme’s disease or a serious autoimmune issue, they should use caution with these plants.

This is because the body and immune system is under extreme stress. It is so out of balance, we need to be very cautious. In most circumstances, the tonic herbs can still support them. But it is best to get medical advice. One of the most important tenants of Taoist Tonic Herbalism is “Do no harm”.

These herbs are to help us, not harm us.

In other words... If you have an extreme “flare up” of symptoms, or you are going through a serious infection / illness, you should exercise discernment and caution with tonic herbs.

There is one other situation where one should not take tonic herbs… 

This is in the case of acute illness, such as a respiratory infection, a flu or food poisoning. Now, this is actually something that is “up for debate” so to speak…

Many Taoist Tonic Herbalists suggest abstaining from tonics during this time. This is because it is thought that they can “feed the infection” so to speak… In this case, it would be recommended to switch from “Superior” tonic herbs, and take more of the “regular herbs”.

What Makes an Herb a “Tonic”? The 6 “Rules” Of Tonic Herbs…

By now you probably have a general understanding and feel for tonic herbs… But let’s go a bit deeper into what makes an herb a “tonic herb.

The ancient Taoists created an outline for this. They created “the 6 rules of tonic herbs”. In order for an herb to be classified as a superior tonic herb, they MUST follow these 6 rules:

Tonic Herbs Must…

  1. Contain & provide at least one of the Three Treasures (Jing, Shen & Qi). Basically the herb must have such an abundance of one (or more) of these treasures that it provides them to your system as well. Many tonic herbs have more than one. For example Schisandra nourishes ALL 3 of these treasures.

  2. Support a long and healthy life. The Tonics strengthen your life force and protects your body, so you can live a long and healthy life.

  3. Have broad and profound effects on radiant health. These herbs promote optimum health and vitality. Often in more than just one way… 

  4. Have no negative side effects when taken in moderation. Thus it can be taken safely on a daily long term basis. This produces culminate long term benefits.

  5. Help balance one’s emotional & mental energy... so that one can experience spiritual & emotional balance & wellness. 

  6. Must taste good enough to be consumed (fairly) easily and must be easily digested/assimilated by the body (when prepared correctly). Many tonic herbs do taste good! Some are more of an acquired taste… 

Tonic herbs promote life and correspond to Heaven. They prolong life, promote life, prevent aging, and provide energy and nutrients for optimal health.

Tonic Herbs are NOT Medicine…

I know that may sound surprising… I mean they seem pretty medicinal right?!

From a technical term, medicine is for those who are sick. If you are healthy and well, do you need medicine…? 


It’s kind of like cough syrup. You don’t drink it everyday… You only take it when you are sick with a cough! That is a medicine.

But what about if you want generally healthy lungs? And You want to prevent or reduce your chances of getting a cough at all?

That’s where something like Reishi will come in… Reishi likely won’t do much once you’re sick with a cough. But when taken daily, it will boost your immune system. The result? you likely will kill the virus/bacteria before you develop symptoms!

Another way I like to share about tonic herbs, is that they are somewhere between food & medicine. 

We NEED food to live. Without it, we will quickly become sick and die. Food provides calories. In this case, tonic herbs are not really “food”… We can live without them.

This being said, some food is more nutritious than others. For example, white rice will give you lots of energy (calories) but not much more…

Whereas a big salad will give you LOTS of nutrients and keep you healthy over the long term.

Tonic herbs are like a daily “food” that keeps you balanced and healthy. Just like a healthy diet, you will notice their effects over the long term, rather than the short term.

How Long Will It Take To Notice Improvements From Tonic Herbs…?

When it comes to benefits, it depends on the herb and your level of sensitivity. For example, taking a blend like Restored Essence, you may notice an improvement within a day or two. Like an uplift in mood and energy. That being said, many may not notice profound effects until 2-3 weeks of taking it.

This is because it has an accumulative effect on your health. 

For example, coffee gives you a jolt of energy right away, but over time can deplete you. Restored essence, literally “restores your essence” (Jing). This may not have instant effects, but will give you energy over the long term.

We suggest a long term approach with tonic herbs. 40 days minimum. 100 days is a perfect bench mark for their efficacy. So we suggest a 3 month protocol.

The funny thing about tonic herbs, is that many people don’t appreciate their effects. This is because they bring you to a place of balance and harmony. When you’re in balance, you just feel normal, healthy and “like yourself”…

It’s kind of like how fatigue will sneak up on you. It’s not until you have your energy back, do you realize how fatigued you really were…

It is said in Taoist Herbalism that when you feel normal, and like you’re not “getting” an effect, the herbs are working! They are meant to bring you to BALANCE, which should just feel sort of “normal”.

A List of Common Tonic Herbs...

This list is by no means "exhaustive"... It is simply the most commonly known and used tonic herbs:

  • Reishi

  • Goji

  • Schisandra

  • Licorice

  • Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng)

  • Ginseng - Chinese, American & Korean

  • Gynostemma

  • Rhodiola

  • Astragalus

  • He Shou Wu

  • Cistanche

This is Why We LOVE Tonic Herbs… 

Yep… We are obsessed.

These herbs are amazing. Incredible. Magical. Wonderful. Powerful. 

They improve our life in all ways: Emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Which is why we love sharing them with others!

Tonic herbs are safe, effective and will make your life better. 

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