Potent Health & Longevity Tonic
Goji Powder | 10:1 Extract
The Taoist Masters say that daily consumption of Goji Berries causes one to “become happy, and find themselves laughing all the time.”
Goji Berries have been consumed for thousands of years as a food and as medicine. In fact many centenarians (100+ year olds) swear by these delicious little red berries!
This is our "beyond organic" Di Tao Goji Berry 10:1 Extract. Enjoy in smoothies, elixirs and as a tea.
Super Potent Organic 10:1 Extracts, Instant Tea!
Benefits & What To Expect...
Goji is a Superfood, rich in antioxidants, minerals, & other health promoting compounds
Anti-aging and longevity super-tonic - Supports healthy aging
Supports eyes & vision
One of the world's most potent antioxidant
Known in China as the "happy berry", and in Tibet, as "The Key To Eternal Youth"
Yin Jing Tonic for healthy Adrenal, Kidney & Sexual functions
Promotes beauty & mood
Fantastic Daily Tonic in Tea, Coffee, Smoothie and Even soups!
Get to know Goji...
Goji Berry

Goji is said to be a "magical" longevity herb. It has been used for thousands of years to preserve youth, protect health, and support happiness & joy. It is a favorite of many famous Chinese centenarians (People who live beyond 100). When consumed daily, it improves overall health, vitality and well being.

A Favorite Amongst many centenarians (100+ year olds) - Reduce aging, and boost longevity!

Yin Jing tonic to nourish the feminine life promoting energy in your body.

Known to boost mood and inner "radiance". In Tibet it is considered the "Key to Eternal Youth".

Known for its potent "Superfood" qualities. Rich in antioxidants, minerals and other life promoting compounds! Goji Berry is Delicious. A great tonic tea for kids, and for daily use.
Goji Berry has become a famous “Superfood” in North America… In China it is known as both a food AND a medicine! The ancient Taoist Masters knew this, and so they not only ate the delicious red berries… They also made them into a tea!
Goji is known to tonify the vital essence, known as “jing”. It is as an anti aging herb given both to the young and old. Evidence now supports these little berries help support the functions of the heart, pancreas, liver, and immune system. It also supports eye health, mood and even helps increase libido!
In fact it is said that daily consumption of Goji Berries causes one to “become happy, and find themselves laughing all the time.”
What You Need To Know About Goji Berries…
Goji Berries
Women in China consume Goji to help precent the drying and wrinkling of the skin. Which will lift any woman’s mood! Millions of women in Asia consume Goji for this reason.
Li Ching Yuen, a Taoist master, ate Goji berries every day for more than a hundred years. Sun Si Miao, (The “Herb King,”) drank a Goji elixir every day; and he lived to be over 100 years old! He wrote one of China's greatest herbal books... AFTER he was 100!
Gojis are so powerful, and in our extract you can get far more in your system than you could ever eat.
Science is now proving what the ancients knew...
A study in England confirmed that eating gojis increased mood
Goji helps your body produce its "youth enzyme" - SOD (superoxide dismutase). This effectively prevents aging the body by protecting your cells!
These berries are rich in phospholipids, the main lipid component in all of your cell membranes (Which is why it is a "beauty herb")
Goji berries are FULL of "superfood" constituents - 18 amino acids, 6 essential fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, and over 20 trace minerals.
Goji berries contain "Lycium polysaccharides (LBP), which is the active ingredient in Goji that gives its anti-fatigue, anti-aging, immune balancing and mood stabilizing properties.
We Source Only The BEST Ingredients
We source only the Highest Quality herbs available. All of our herbs & extracts go through rigorous testing and quality control. This ensures there are no harmful chemicals, heavy metals or contaminants. They are also grown "Di Tao" (authentic source). This is why we consider our ingredients "beyond" organic!
Di Tao Herbs (Authentic Source)
All of our herbs are grown "Di Tao" (from their Authentic Source). It is hard to translate many words/concepts from Chinese to English. Dì Tào roughly translates to “Earth Tao,” or “the Way of the Earth.”
Another way to put it: Di Tao means grown in the original way.
What this means, is that all of our herbs are grown in the same geographical region as their wild ancestors. In fact some of our herbs are even wildcrafted.
This means all of our herbs are grown in the soil and climate nature intended. This is VERY important for herbs. It ensures they have all they need to be full of health promoting plant compounds!
10:1 Concentrated Extracts
Our herbs are also all 10:1 extracts. This means they are super concentrated. Every 1 gram of our product is equivalent to 10 grams of regular dried herbs. In other words: A little goes a long way!
This 10:1 extraction process creates a finished product that creates instant tea. Normally, you need to steep and boil Chinese herbs to extract their medicinal qualities. Our powdered extracts have already been cooked and activated before becoming powder. This means you just need to add a small amount (1/4 - 1/2 tsp) to hot water, and you will have "instant" tea.
How To Use Our Products...
For best results, take daily on an empty stomach, before or between meals.
The first and most important rule of Tonic Herbalism is compliance: If you do not regularly take herbs, you will not experience results.

Step One:
Measure 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of powder in 1/2 to 1 cup hot water.
Step Three:
If desired, add honey or maple syrup. Repeat daily (until you're 100!!). Consider taking 2 or 3 times per day if you're wanting more benefits.
Step Two:
Mix or blend, until fully combined. Our powder quickly & easily dissolves in hot water.
Consider making an Elixir. Use milk of choice rather than water. Heat milk first. Add honey/maple syrup. Blend with your Tiny Dragon Tonic powder.
Try adding it to Cacao (hot chocolate), coffee or smoothies.