Botanical Name: Schisandra chinensis, Fructus Schizandrae
Treasures: Jing, Qi & Shen
Atmospheric Energy: Warm
Taste: All 5 flavours
Organic Associations: Supports all organs. Especially supportive for kidneys, lungs and liver
Schisandra Berries (Wu Wei Zi) are considered the “ultimate” tonic herb and adaptogen.
When taken everyday for 100 days, Schisandra is said to sharpen the mind, increase memory, cleanse the blood, rejuvenate the jing/kidney energy, restore sexual fluids/function, and create radiant, beautiful and glowing skin.
This Berry Literally Does it All!
These potent little berries are known in Chinese as Wu Wei Zi - “The Five Flavoured Fruit”.
If you have ever tasted a schisandra berry, you will understand! They literally contain ALL 5 “classic tastes” (bitter, sweet, spicy, sour, and salty)… Which means it nourishes all five Chinese “classic elements” (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water).
In Taoist Tonic Herbalism, schisandra is known as the “quintessence” of Tonic Herbs… and “the herb that does it all”… This is because while it nourishes all 5 elements, it also enters ALL 12 meridians and nourishes ALL 3 treasures (Jing, Qi & Shen). No other tonic herb has this effect on the body.
Schisandra berries literally protect, balance and tonify the ESSENCE of life in your body. This adaptogenic herb is a must for any tonic herbal or health enthusiast!
A Fun Story About Schisandra…
The Chinese LOVE stories… And many Tonic Herbs come with myths and legends.
There is a story from ancient China about a man named Huai Nan Gong. He had been taking schisandra berries for 16 years… This caused him to have the skin & glow of a “Jade Girl”. Jade Girl is an endearing way to describe beauty in China. The story goes that Huai Nan Gong would stay dry in water, and that fire could not burn him.
This outlines the wide held belief (which Science now backs up), that Schisandra has a potent effect on protecting the body, especially the skin. As well as supporting beauty and strength.
What Does Schisandra Do For You? What are The Benefits?
Schisandra is a tonic herb… Which means it has no side effects for healthy individuals, and only positive benefits. It is also considered a “world class” adaptogen, which means it has a dual directional effect on your health. It will literally adapt to the needs of your body.
Because schisandra enters all 12 meridians, and contains all 5 flavours, it has a beneficial effect on your WHOLE body. It is a great “stand alone” herb. When combined with other herbs (like our Restored Essence), it is even more potent!
The Liver…
This being said… It is known to be especially beneficial for kidney and liver functions. Schisandra is a powerful detox ally. It basically “supercharges” your liver, so that your liver can thrive at what it does best: Getting rid of toxins and “bad” stuff from your body!
One of the primary ways it does this is by helping your liver make an enzyme called “glutathione peroxidase”. This is the master antioxidant of your body. It also protects your liver from harm and disease.
Kidney & Sexual Health…
Schisandra is known to build kidney Jing (life force essence). It tonifies and supports the optimal function of the kidneys… It is said to increase “Water Qi” in the kidneys, which supports sexual fluids in men and women.
In Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are connected to sexual energy, and are like the “batteries” that store our Jing. When we have strong and healthy kidneys, our sexual energy is balanced. Therefore, schisandra is also an excellent sexual tonic.
Due to Schisandra’s effect of kidney and sexual health, it is known as a potent aphrodisiac, especially with long term use. I have found the use of “yang jing” herbs, like horny goat weed, cistanche and deer antler, give a more immediate aphrodisiac effect. Whereas schisandra takes at least a few weeks of use to really notice.
Beauty Tonic…
Schisandra is known to have extraordinary effects on skin! For this reason, emperors, royalty and the wealthy class of ancient china LOVED Schisandra. It was often reserved for these “elite class” of people… Lucky for us, it is now available for all To enjoy!
This little berry has a potent effect on the hydration, rejuvenation and natural “glow” of skin. Part of this is due to an “inside out” effect on health. Radiant internal health, produces radiant external beauty!
Mental Tonic...
Schisandra is known to sharpen the mind, and encourage alertness. It does not have a stimulating effect like coffee or tea, however it can help with focus and creativity. It is a great alternative to caffeine, especially for evening time!
Full list of Schisandra berry (Wu Wei Zi) benefits:
Sexual tonic - Aphrodisiac
Increases sexual fluids for men and women, and helps prevent premature ejaculation and sexual “fatigue”
Supports circulation and sensitivity in the female genitals - Helps increase the “female elixir” during sex.
Beauty tonic - Protective and Building
Helps protect skin from sun, wind and the elements
Helps skin hold its moisture, so it becomes full and beautiful
rejuvenates the skin and “preserves youthfulness”
Mind Tonic
Supports focus, alertness and memory
Supports Concentration and energy without stimulating effects - Can even be calming, while supporting focus and wakefulness
Liver Tonic - Cleanses and detoxes the body
Protects and cleanses the liver of toxins
When taken daily, it is believed that Schisandra helps rid the body of toxins before they can do serious harm (preventative effects)
The Ultimate Adaptogen
This herb is actually one of the first recorded Adaptogen in Western herbology
Known to have dual directional effect on the body; especially stress.
Balances and regulates the nervous system - Which means it can either reduce stress (calm you down), or stimulate the nervous tissue (give you alertness/energy).
How To Take Schisandra (Wu Wei Zi)
There are a variety of ways to take Schisandra - the most popular is via tea, tincture or extract. All are good options, and it really comes down to the first rule of tonic herbalism - compliance. You have to take schisandra (ideally everyday), to get the results… So choose the option that works best for you!
Our personal favourite is in our 10:1 extract. Especially when mixed with our Goji berry extract!
Check out our Goji & Schisandra formula…. This is one of our all time favourites!
Note: Dried whole schisandra berries are rich in tannins. This can upset some people’s stomach, so if you are consuming tea it can be best to soak the berries first to remove these tannins. (Don’t worry our extracts don’t have significant amounts of these tannins!)
Are They Safe? Who Should Not Consume Schisandra Berries (Wu Wei Zi)?
Schisandra berries are a tonic herb, which means they are safe for (pretty much) everyone. I say pretty much because there is ALWAYS exceptions. Which is why it is wise to consult your doctor first.
That being said, as long as you are not suffering from a serious health condition, it is safe to fearlessly consume lots of Schisandra! Even if you have a serious heath issue, you’re more than likely safe too…
All in all, there are no cautions or known contraindications.
The one caveat is that schisandra can cause slight stomach upset when the berries are boiled fresh due to high tannin content. To avoid this, simply soak the berries before steeping.
What Do Schisandra Berries Taste Like?
Like we said… Schisandra berry (Wu Wei Zi) contain ALL 5 flavours. So what does a schisandra berry with 5 different flavours taste like? Let’s just say, they have a very “unique” flavour.
And I will be honest, “unique” is not an endearing quality. I personally do not enjoy the taste of schisandra. However, I think it is an experience everyone should have… I mean how often do you get the chance to experience all 5 flavours at once?!
From my experience, the taste of a schisandra berry is mostly sour and bitter with a (minimal) sweet/salty undertone. I have a hard time tasting the “soy” flavour, although it is certainly present!
I do not have the most developed palate… So take that with a grain of salt (pun intended!). Another way to describe the taste of schisandra is like this: its shells are sweet, its meat sour, the seeds are bitter & tar, and its extract is salty.
We have personally found that the best way to balance the potent flavour of schisandra, is to combine it with equal parts goji berries. Not only does this make the flavour far more sweet, it is actually an ancient taoist formula.
You can buy Goji and Schisandra formula here...
Or try just straight 10:1 Schisandra Extract Here: