Helping the Helpers...
We aim to empower the Healers, Givers and Servers of Our world... When you give all day to others, you are often left empty. This creates chronic fatigue, and eventual exhaustion.
Sadly, this is why many healers and "over givers" die young. They give too much. But this is entirely preventable.
We have created our Restored Essence blend to help the helpers of our world. It helps you to replenish and restore, so you can keep serving the world with a big open heart.

Improve Overall Well Being & Optimal Health

Reduce Stress & Balance Your Emotions

Increase Energy &
Eliminate Fatigue

Supports Beautiful, Radiant & Glowing Skin

Discover the Power of Ancient Taoist Tonic Herbal Formulations
At Tiny Dragon Tonics, we source the highest quality herbs. This means they are grown "Tao Di" or "Di Dao", which means "The Original Way. Our herbs are grown in their natural environments and in pristine conditions. They are often wild crafted. This is why we say our products are "Beyond" organic.
Our tonic herbal extracts can help busy mothers, empaths, healers, elders, and caregivers find relief from stress and achieve greater well-being. Our extracts are all 10:1, meaning you get 10 times the potency of the original herb. Click here to learn more about our life-changing tonic herbs.

Beyond Organic

10:1 Concentrations (10x potency)

Wild Crafted or Grown In Pristine Conditions

Lab Tested For Purity
Our Tonic Herbal Extracts are...

"These Herbs have changed my life... For the better.
For years I suffered from fatigue due to chronic illness and digestive problems. Before finding Restored Essence, I would often feel depleted and tired. Restored Essence helped me get my life back.
I take my tonic herbs everyday. They give a sustained and reliable source of energy. I can live a normal healthy life now... Not only that but I am confident that if I have a stressful week, I know how to "fill up" again."
Our Tonics Help You Restore Balance & Recover from Fatigue, Exhaustion and Stress.
We offer a variety of herbal extracts that naturally give you energy, restore your life force, and balance your mind-body-spirit. These herbs are commonly called "adaptogens" because they help us adapt to current life circumstances. They are designed to help you find freedom from suffering... Whether it be emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.
Click here to shop our collection of high-quality herbal extracts.

These herbs have been used safely for 1,000's of years by monks, royalty, taoist masters, and Chinese Doctors.

More About
Tiny Dragon Tonics
We are a small family owned business based out of Vancouver Island, Canada. Our focus is to provide life enhancing tonic herbs, so that people can have the energy and vitality to love, serve and find freedom!
We believe we are all here to live in alignment with Unconditional Love, Bliss and the True Self... We have found these tonic herbs to be highly beneifical to this process, which is why we LOVE sharing them with others!
The name "tiny dragon" tonics was born from a playful and joyful conversation... We realized that each tonic herb is like a "tiny" dragon, that helps your body to heal!

"As a healer and ceremonialist, my life is dedicated to serving. I LOVE it... But it can be exhausting.
I take my Restored Essence every single day because I know it keeps me healthy and strong. When I run out, I start to notice a dip in energy after a few days... It is really that powerful!"
"I have been on a deeply Spiritual Path for over 12 years... Tonic herbs have always been part of it. They help me stay focused, calm, present and confident... So that I can continue to connect deeply with God, and to Serve my community.
When I first discovered tonic herbs, I fell in love with the lore. They are all steeped in ancient Taoist teachings. The old Sages, Masters, & Enlightened Beings discovered the healing power of these plants... And they shared them with the world, so we too could find freedom."
Learn More About Tonic Herbs
On the path of health and wholeness, we have found that education is crucial to long term success. It is said that "healing" is always temporary... Which is why we want to educate and empower you to LIVE your life in a good way.
We offer resources to help you live a healthy, vibrant and loving life. Explore our resources on tonic herbs, health, meditation and Qi Gong.